Picture the low Earth orbit economy for space exploration
We have developed a representation of the commercial low Earth orbit Ecosystem in the context of Terrae Novae, the European Exploration Envelope Programme. This enables you to identify new opportunities, potential partners or gaps that you could fill.
What is the scope?
This representation should include all providers from all around the world.
Current and Future Offer
All offers even the ones that are not yet available should be represented.
All offers should be commercially available.
Low Earth Orbit focus
Ground-based, suborbital, and parabolic offers are excluded.
Check out the overview of the low Earth orbit commercial transportation value chain map.
Check out the overview of the low Earth orbit commercial platforms value chain map.
Definition of the categories
This mapping has been built on these 5 categories.

Means to move from one location to another in space (crewed and cargo vehicles, space tugs, ascent-descent vehicles, landers)

Communication and Navigation
Utility infrastructure (such as telemetry, tele-command, data relay, crew in-flight calls, tracking and positioning)

Service to provide interfaces, resources and power required to operate and host facilities, facilitate interactions, accommodate payloads, provide active and passive stowage, and provide support function. Can be crewed or uncrewed.

Piece of equipment to provide customised environment for users, host utilisation, capability, provide access to instrumentation for users. It can accommodate use cases such as research payloads.

Use cases