Day 1: 12 July - Space For Inspiration Programme
9:30 Introduction and Welcoming
9:40 Opening Speeches - Recorded Videos

Geraldine Naja
Director of Commercialisation, Industry and Procurement
European Space Agency (ESA)
10:00 Keynote - Ensuring Earth is NOT our Final Frontier

Ed Gillespie
Environmental Entrepreneur, Author and Futurenaut
10:50 LEO Economy Round Table

Jorgen Bru
Commercial Services Manager – Boost!
European Space Agency (ESA) – Directorate of Space Transportation

Donatella Ponziani
Head of ESA Commercialisation Gateway and Market Intelligence
European Space Agency (ESA) – Commercial, Industry and Procurement Directorate

Mario Cardano
Marketing and Sales Manager
Thales Alenia Space
11:30 - 12:00 Coffee Break
12:05 Keynote - Circular Economy on Earth

Pieter Van Exter
Lead Sustainable Industries
12:40 In-Situ Resource Utilisation Presentation
13:15 Group Photo
13:20 - 14:15 Lunch Break
14:15 Workshops
Workshop 1: Lunar Economy
Lunar Workshop Agenda
14:15 Introduction to lunar workshop by ESA, Massimo Sabbatini (moderator) and Francesco Liucci (workshop organizer)
14:25 Celebrating early success story: Lunar Pathfinder by SSTL (Nelly Offord)
14:35 Introduction to the LCNS Call for ideas and elevator pitch session – Francesco Liucci
14:40 Elevator Pitch session (60sec)
- Pitch #1: Lunar Objects and Activities Registry by Open Lunar Foundation
- Pitch #2: ROSLight – Gateway for robotic lunar missions by VisionSpace Technologies GmbH
- Pitch #3: LUNARS: LUNar Autonomous Robotic Swarms by Spaceclick S.r.l.
- Pitch #4: SILVER DOT by Spaceclick S.r.l.
- Pitch #5: EUROHAB Secondary Habitat and Science Platform as payload for EL3 on the lunar surface by Spartan Space
- Pitch #6: Moon Surface Mapping/MoonMap by CGI
- Pitch #7: Cloud on the Moon by CGI
- Pitch #8: OPS-SAT version of Open Lunar Robot with use of LCNS by Marcin Wilk
15:00 Introduction to the Announcement of Opportunity (AO) for Lunar payload delivery services by ESA, Alexandre Meurisse
15:05 Pitch session from Lunar payload delivery services AO respondents
- pitch #1: OHB
- pitch #2: ispace
- pitch #3: Logistics Services/Astrobotic
- pitch #4: Space Apps/Intuitive Machine
- pitch #5: Exploration Company
15:40 Introduction to the ESA Lunar Robotic Challenge by ESA, Massimo Sabbatini
15:45 Panel discussion with
- ESA, European Large Logistic Lander (EL3), Argonaut (William Carey)
- NASA, Commercial Lunar Payload Services (Chris Culbert)
- Telespazio, Lunar Communication and Navigation System (LCNS) (Marco Brancati)
- SSTL, Lunar Communication and Navigation System (LCNS) (Nelly Offord)
- PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) (Paolo Ariaudo)
16:45 Closing remarks and end of the lunar workshop
Workshop 2: Automated LEO Platforms
In this workshop (only available for onsite participants):
- Discover the commercial ecosystem for automated LEO Platforms in Europe
- Get to know about the automated / uncrewed LEO platforms providers, their timeline, capabilities and unique selling propositions
- Meet the potential service providers for such platforms and listen to their lessons learned from their ISS experience
- The potential demand to conduct research in these platforms will be presented (ESA and non-ESA institutional and market-driven)
16:45 - 17:00 Coffee Break
17:15 Moonlight - Lunar Communication and Navigation Services (LCNS) Call for Ideas

Fabrice Joly
Head of Future Telecom Programme Consolidation Section
European Space Agency (ESA) – Telecom and Integrated Applications Directorate (TIA)

Bernhard Hufenbach
Lead Commercialization and Innovation Team
European Space Agency (ESA) – Human and Robotic Exploration Directorate (HRE)

Javier Ventura-Traveset
Head of Science Office in the Strategy and Programme Department
European Space Agency (ESA) – Directorate of Navigation
18:00 Networking Reception
19:00 End First Day
Day 2: 13 July - Space For Inspiration Programme
9:00 Introduction & Welcoming
9:10 BSGN Industry Accelerators and CASE Call Round Table

Marie Laure Gouzy
Project Manager
MEDES – Institute for Space Medicine and Physiology

Markus Häuser
Space Cooperative Europe – SCE

Hamid Soorghali
Strategy Consultant
Satellite Applications Catapult

Elena Razzano
ARTES Application Engineer
European Space Agency (ESA) – Commercial Applications Enabled by Space Environments (CASE)
10:00 Commercial Service Providers Round Table
Nelly Offord (Lunar Pathfinder Mission)
Business Line Manager - Exploration at Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd (SSTL)
Hilde Stenuit (ICE Cubes Facilities)
ICE Cubes Business Development - Space Application Services
Christian Steimle (BARTOLOMEO Platform)
Program Manager - Airbus Defense and Space
David-Stefano Zolesi (Bioreactor Express)
President - Kayser Space Ltd.
Joshua Western (Space Forge)
CEO & Co-Founder
Daniel Campbell (Space Pharma)
Managing Director
Christian Bruderrek (YURI)
COO and Co-Founder
10:50 Interview with Bernhard Hufenbach

Bernhard Hufenbach
Lead of Commercialisation and Innovation Team
Human and Robotic Exploration (ESA)
11:00 - 11:30 Coffee Break
11:30 NASA Artemis Program

Bill Hartwell
Orion Program Office
11:50 "Rock around the Moon" Performance
12:45 - 14:00 Lunch Break
14:00 Workshops
Workshop 3: ESA Way Forward on Post-ISS LEO 2030+
Session 1/2: 14:00 – 15:30 “ESA Way Forward on post-ISS LEO 2030+”
Welcome by David Parker, Director of Human & Robotic Exploration (recorded)
Frank De Winne, LEO Exploration Group Leader, Directorate of Human & Robotic Exploration (HRE)
Alain Conde Reis, Head of Technology Coordination Office, Directorate of Space Transportation (STS)
Q&A with audience
Session 2/2: 16:00 – 16:30 “LEO and cis-Lunar Future Technologies”
3x Pitches live from SpaceTech 2022 (Toulouse), organised by TU Graz
Bernhard Gotthart, Master in Leadership & Business Management (WU Vienna)
Pitch titles:
1. Space Debris Transportation for Lunar Recycling
2. Solar Energy Supply to the Moon
3. Space Tether Transportation System for Orbit Maneuvering
Q&A with audience
Workshop 4: In-Orbit Servicing and Manufacturing by Satellite Applications Catapult
In this workshop we will discuss the challenges that IOSM (In-Orbit Servicing and Manufacturing) present and moreover the opportunities for Europe and allied nations to exploit, both commercially and industrially. We see many challenges in the development of new technologies and their successful role out including the need for control systems, feedback mechanisms, docking and interoperability between different platforms, the transfer of liquids, gases, power, and data. The need for standardisation is key to success adoption, and it is important that Europe is able to lead the definition of such interfaces else we risk becoming dependent on other approaches which may place member states at a disadvantage in both adoption and deployment.